
Contaminated Groundwater

Balanced, pragmatic advice based on over 30 years’ experience in assessing and remediating groundwater contamination. I have particular experience with:

  • Light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) such as crude oil, petroleum and diesel
  • Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
  • Chlorinated ethenes including tetrachloroethene (PCE) and trichloroethene (TCE)
  • Chlorinated aromatics such as chlorotoluene and 1,2-dichlorobenzene

Experienced in remediation options appraisal and in real-world application of a range of groundwater containment and remediation techniques including monitored natural attenuation (MNA), enhanced bio-attenuation, electro-resistive heating (ERH), in-situ chemical oxidation (ISCO), LNAPL skimming, pump and treat, total fluids pumping, barrier wall installation, multi-phase extraction (MPE) and soil vapour extraction (SVE).

Independent Review

Have you ever wondered whether your environmental consultant is giving you the most appropriate advice?   Or whether they really understand your objectives?

I can help by providing peer review and strategic advice on issues relating to groundwater and land contamination.  Often this involves independent technical and quality assurance (QA) checks of reports prepared by others, either remotely or in workshops and meetings.

Recent examples include:

  • 2023: Independent review (second opinion) on groundwater modelling work conducted for a site in Sweden.
  • 2021-22: Technical review of groundwater screening assessments for proposed basement developments in SW London.
  • 2020: Independent technical review of a consultant report on site investigation and risk assessment of a PFAS-impacted coastal site in Australia.  The client commented: “your comments were helpful and much appreciated as always!”
  • 2020: Independent technical review of a Preliminary Risk Assessment report for a development site north of London. 

Other Groundwater Services

Mining: UK and Australian experience in assessing groundwater impacts associated with existing and proposed mines and quarries, including for aggregates, uranium, coal/lignite, iron ore and zinc.

Landfill: Experienced in developing and rationalising monitoring plans for landfill sites and in preparing interpretive reports based on trend analysis and other hydrogeological assessment techniques.

Technical support: interpretation of hydrogeological test results – in particular, ‘slug’ tests and baildown tests.

Environmental due diligence: support relating to contaminated groundwater and remediation.

Groundwater/surface water interation: Assessment of groundwater catchments and discharge areas; for example, review of where boudaries should be set for a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). 

Construction dewatering: assessment of potential dewatering rates and impacts, using analytical approaches and models such as Anaqsim.